Corporate and Law Enforcement Membership Information

The New York Anti Car Theft & Fraud Association, Inc. (NYACT) is funded by our corporate insurance members and by a grant from NYS DCJS.  Individual corporate memberships are not available, an insurance company must be a NYACT member for their employees to enjoy NYACT benefits.  

Law enforcement personnel must submit an application below to register as an employee of an approved law enforcement agency. 

Corporate Membership Application
Law Enforcement/Regulatory Employee Application
Corporate Membership Brochure
Corporate Dues Structure
NYACT Member List

Benefits of NYACT Membership

NYACT seeks to achieve its mission in a variety of ways, including:

  • Anti vehicle crime and insurance fraud training seminars, free to employees of member companies and agencies, held throughout New York State.
  • Special “hands-on” workshops and programs.
  • Annual State Education Conferences held at both Upstate and Downstate venues.
  • A wide range of informative and relevant training and professional development topics offered.
  • Networking opportunities between insurance and law enforcement professionals—allowing each to learn from the other’s perspectives.
  • Regular communication and updates for your employees through NYACT e-News.
  • New York State government updates on issues pertaining to our mission and members’ professions.
  • Interactive website offering the latest news from anti vehicle crime and fraud front, association programming, and online registration.
  • Webinar training series.
  • Consumer information on staged accidents, carjacking, auto theft, identity theft and more.
  • Honor outstanding member employees through Annual Awards Program.
  • State Office Staff available to assist with questions and issues from the field.